Fruits Usually Mistaken as Vegetables — Here’s What You Must Know

Fruits Usually Mistaken as Vegetables

List of Fruits Usually Mistaken as Vegetables & their Special Features FRUITS USUALLY MISTAKEN AS VEGETABLES – Here are some fruits that most people usually regard as veggies which is contrary to what they really are. There are several fruits that many of us think since birth that they are veggies. There are also fruits … Read more

Anorexia Nervosa: What You Need To Know About This Eating Disorder

anorexia nervosa

Here are the important facts about Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is one of the most common eating disorders which can be life-threatening but it can also be treated. This disorder is described as extreme food restriction and an intense fear of gaining weight. People having this condition are conscious when it comes to the number … Read more

Toxic Work Environment – How Can You Tell?

Toxic Work Environment

How can you say that you are in a toxic work environment? These are the indications! Do you have a toxic work environment? This could be hard to admit but for your own good, here’s how you can tell one. Understanding the signs of a toxic workplace is one step to remedy a problem. Statistics … Read more

Unique Sculptures You Might Want To See Someday

Unique Sculptures Photos

Check Here the Unique Sculptures that Gather the Crowd UNIQUE SCULPTURES – Here are some of the most fascinating public attractions that you might like to add in your bucket list of the things you want to see someday. Are you one of the people who want to travel across the globe? It is best … Read more

Land Sickness: What You Need To Know About This Condition

land sickness

What is land sickness? Land Sickness – If there is seasickness, people can also experience land sickness, and here is the explanation for this. Seasickness is what people experience when their bodies grow accustomed to a boat’s motion patterns. This makes them feel unsteady and nauseated. However, when it comes to land sickness, the opposite … Read more

Reasons Why Employees Resign – What Are These?

Reasons Why Employees Resign

These are the different reasons why employees resign and leave. REASONS WHY EMPLOYEES RESIGN – To prevent employees from leaving the organization or company, the reasons why they do must be determined first. Making an employee stay is critical in an organization or company. Replacing them with someone new would take time and effort. Apart … Read more

Hypersomnia: What You Need To Know About This Sleeping Disorder


What is Hypersomnia? Hypersomnia means excessive sleepiness and this has several causes that can affect the daily routine of a person. Having this condition, a person can experience irresistible, excessive sleep or daytime lapses into sleep. Based on the article in Medscape, this is not due to insufficient sleep or another sleep disorder. Here are … Read more

Anger Management Techniques – Control Your Anger Before It Controls You

Anger Management Techniques

Here are some anger management techniques that will help you calm down. ANGER MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUES – How do you tame your temper? Before your anger controls you, here are some techniques to do to calm down. What is anger? Charles Spielberger, PhD, a psychologist whose specialization is the study of anger, defined anger as “an … Read more