Rumination Disorder: Understanding This Eating Disorder

rumination disorder

Here’s what you need to know about Rumination Disorder Rumination Disorder is one of the eating disorders that is described as a repetitive, habitual bringing up of food that might be partly digested. It is not associated with nausea or disgust and is usually happening effortlessly and painlessly. This can affect people at any age. … Read more

Bulimia Nervosa: Understanding This Eating Disorder

bulimia nervosa

What is Bulimia Nervosa? Bulimia Nervosa is one of the eating disorders that affects many people’s lives and here are the things you need to know about this condition. It can be life-threatening just like Anorexia Nervosa. People having this condition tend to binge eat or they feel they are losing control over their eating, … Read more

Anorexia Nervosa: What You Need To Know About This Eating Disorder

anorexia nervosa

Here are the important facts about Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia Nervosa is one of the most common eating disorders which can be life-threatening but it can also be treated. This disorder is described as extreme food restriction and an intense fear of gaining weight. People having this condition are conscious when it comes to the number … Read more

Land Sickness: What You Need To Know About This Condition

land sickness

What is land sickness? Land Sickness – If there is seasickness, people can also experience land sickness, and here is the explanation for this. Seasickness is what people experience when their bodies grow accustomed to a boat’s motion patterns. This makes them feel unsteady and nauseated. However, when it comes to land sickness, the opposite … Read more

Hypersomnia: What You Need To Know About This Sleeping Disorder


What is Hypersomnia? Hypersomnia means excessive sleepiness and this has several causes that can affect the daily routine of a person. Having this condition, a person can experience irresistible, excessive sleep or daytime lapses into sleep. Based on the article in Medscape, this is not due to insufficient sleep or another sleep disorder. Here are … Read more

Sleep Apnea: What You Need To Know About This Sleep Disorder

sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is one of the sleep disorders that might affect your everyday routine The sleep disorder called sleep apnea happens when your breathing repeatedly stops and starts, and there are three main types. People around the globe are experiencing different sleep disorders such as Sleep Paralysis, Sleepwalking, Narcolepsy, and others that affect their everyday … Read more