Here are the 10 biggest earthquakes ever recorded
Biggest Earthquakes – In the history of humankind, these are the most devastating earthquakes ever recorded.
Cascadia Megathrust of 1700 – Northern California to British Columbia
- January 26, 1700, at 9 p.m. Pacific Time
- Estimated to have a magnitude at or above 9 by modern seismologists
- It was classified as megathrust quake, which happens when one tectonic plate thrusts underneath another, pushing down into Earth’s mantle.
Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 – Portugal
- The morning of November 1, 1755
- Estimated 8.5 to 9.2 magnitude megathrust quake
- It generated a tsunami with waves 20 feet high in Lisbon and 65 feet high in parts of Spain
New Madrid Earthquakes of 1811-1812 – Mississippi Valley
- December 15, 1811
- Magnitude as high as 8.8
- The previously unknown fault line of the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) was found to run 150 miles from Arkansas to Illinois
Ecuador-Colombia Earthquake of 1906 – Northwest South America
- January 31, 1906
- It spanned 300 to 370 miles which caused a 16-foot tsunami and affected areas as far away as Hawaii, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, California, and Japan.
- The death toll was estimated to be between 500 and 1500 people
Kamchatka Earthquake of 1952 – Russia
- November 4, 1952
- Registered a 9-magnitude
- Produced waves as high as 50 feet
Valdivia Earthquake of 1960 – Chile
- May 22, 1960
- Dubbed as the Great Chilean Earthquake, the strongest earthquake ever recorded
- 9.5-magnitude quake
- The rupture zone ran for 300 to 600 miles along the Chilean coast.
Good Friday Earthquake of 1964 – Alaska
- March 27, 1964
- With a magnitude of 9.2
- The death toll was 124 of the 139 total victims.
Indian Ocean Earthquake of 2004 – Sumatra and Andaman Islands
- December 26, 2004
- It was a 9.1-magnitude megathrust
- A 167-foot wave hit the northern coast of Sumatra in 20 minutes after the quake
Maule Earthquake of 2010 – Chile
- February 27, 2010
- It was a massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake
- The quake killed about 570 people and the coastal towns were swept by 100-foot waves
Tohoku Earthquake of 2011 – Japan
- March 11, 2011
- It was a 9.1-magnitude megathrust earthquake
- A tsunami with wave reaching 130 feet high crushed the coastline