Here are the Mexican foods that cannot be found in Mexico
Mexican foods are among the most common cuisines around the globe but did you know that in Mexico, not all known Mexican delicacies can be found there?
Based on the article in Reader’s Digest, there are Mexican favorites that do not actually exist in Mexico. American restaurants Chipotle and Taco Bell are not accurate representations of the foods from Mexico. Here are some examples of foods perceived to be Mexican but in reality, they are not.
These are considered “an embiggened Americanization of tacos.” Gerry Torres, owner of City Tacos in the San Diego area, said, “Burritos, as we know them here in the United States, can’t be found in Mexico.”
Hard taco shells
Executive Chef Lauro Romero of Portland’s King Tide Fish & Shell, a native of Hidalgo, Mexico considers the hard taco shell as a taco travesty. He said that it is difficult to eat because the taco shell easily breaks.
This cannot be found in Mexico. Matthew Britt, a professor at the College of Culinary Arts at Johnson & Wales University, explained that chimichangas more accurately fall into the Tex-Mex category.
Bottomless chip baskets
Guacamole is a Mexican food but this does not come with heaps and heaps of tortilla chips to dip in it. You can get a few mixed in with a bread basket, but the bottomless chip baskets are not standard, Kristine Celorio, a blogger who married a Mexican diplomat and now lives in Mexico City, said.
Tequila is Mexican but not Margarita. However, this drink can now be found in Mexico because of tourists but it does not mean that it originated there.
Loaded nachos
The topping-loaded chip piles that you can order in the United States are not a thing in Mexico. Celorio said that she had never seen ‘nachos’ on a menu” while living in Mexico.
U.S. restaurants serve yellow-orange kind of cheese dip. This is not from Mexico. “Queso dip, forget it. The beautifully drippy cheesy orange kind would be difficult to come by here,” Celorio said.
Ground beef tacos
Ground beef is a popular taco topping in the US but actually isn’t common in Mexico. Steak and pork tacos are popular in Mexican cuisine.