Fun Facts about Dogs — Here’s What Many People Don’t Actually Know

Check Out these Fun Facts about Dogs That’ll Surely Surprise You

FUN FACTS ABOUT DOGS – Although dogs are very popular, there are actually a lot of things that many people don’t know about them.

Dogs are undeniably the animals closest to humans. That is why they are tagged as man’s best friend. They can be loyal, affectionate, and highly intelligent. However, despite their popularity, there are these amazing features aside from the dog breeds with amazing markings that many people don’t know about these creatures.

Fun Facts about Dogs
Photo Credit: PetMD
Dogs’ noses are very sensitive

The sense of smell of dogs is an asset that is why they can be perfect home guards. Their noses are 40x more sensitive compared with the human’s sense of smell. They can follow scent trails that is why canines are involved in police works.

dogs sweat through paws
Photo Credit: PetHelpful
They sweat through their paws

The sweat of dogs are much oilier compared to the sweat of humans and one of the fun facts about dogs is that they sweat through their paws. Are you wondering why the paws of some dogs smell cheesy crisps? Here’s the answer.

Fun Facts about Dogs
Photo Credit: Inverse
A dog can be right-pawed or left-pawed

A person can either be right-hand dominant or left-hand dominant. Do you know that it goes the same with dogs? Your dog can be right-pawed or left-pawed and to know it, you can observe your dog from standing still to walking forward. Which paw comes first? That’s the more dominant paw.

dogs can sniff while breathing
Photo Credit: Vetmed
They can sniff while breathing

One of the amazing fun facts about dogs is that they can do sniffing and breathing at the same time. They can actually smell while the air goes in and out of their lungs.

Greyhound Dog Running
Photo Credit: PetPlace
Some dogs can be faster than cheetahs

Cheetahs are known to be the fastest animals when it comes to running. However, what many people don’t know is that Greyhound, a breed of dog, can run faster than a cheetah. Although cheetahs can run 70mph, they can only do it for 30 seconds while this breed of dog that can at least 35mph for seven miles.

Fun Facts about Dogs
Photo Credit: Hartz
They are like two-year old kids

Studies found out of the amazing fun facts about dogs which compare them to two-year old children as they can learn more than 100 words and gestures. They can also be utilized in different kinds of jobs including military tasks.

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