Do you know what is the most expensive bag in the world? Guess what! It’s not Hermes.
From Hermès’ Himalaya Birkin to Chanel’s diamond-studded alligator purse, what could be the most expensive bag in the world?
Gucci, Chanel and Hermès handbags are high ends. However, the most expensive bag sold has not come from these mentioned brands.
Luxury bags are often seen worn by celebrities and fashion enthusiasts. They say owning one is an investment since how one piece was made was out of pure dedication and the best of skills and materials. Every year, new designs are being introduced.
It might sound outrageous to own something that is worth more than your house but to many, a purse is more than an accessory — it’s an investment. In 2017, Jamie Chua showed her massive Hermes bags collection. She has hundreds of them!
According to a global market research firm called Data Bridge, the market of luxury bags is on an upswing and is estimated to value $42 billion by 2029.
Here’s a list of some of the most expensive ones:
- Debbie Wingham’s Upcycled Easter Egg Purse
Debbie Wingham is a British designer known for her over-the-top custom commissions. And this piece she made for an anonymous American citizen in 2019 was prized at $6.7 million or Php 377,679,000.00 approximately based on the August 17 USD to PHP Exchange Rate.
- Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse
This piece was designed by jeweler Robert Mouward and this bag is made of 18-karat gold and 4,517 colorless, yellow, and pink diamonds. 10 artisans materialized this and it took them 8,800 hours to complete this. Guinness World Record recognized this as the Most Valuable Handbag in 2010 at $3.6 million or 202,932,000 in Philippine peso.
- Hermès Chaine d’Ancre by Pierre Hardy
This is from Maison’s 2012 Haute Bijouterie collection. The bag was designed by Creative Director of Fine Jewelry Pierre Hardy and embedded with 11,000 diamonds. This piece is worth around $2 million.
- Ginza Tanaka Hermès Birkin
This one-of-a-kind Birkin was by Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka in 2008. It has a body made of platinum adorned with more than 2,000 diamonds. At the center of the sits the 8-karat, pear-shaped diamond that can be worn as a brooch. Its strap can be removed and worn as a necklace. Its price is $1.9 million.
- Lana Marks Cleopatra Clutch
This clutch was seen carried by Helen Mirren, Angelina Jolie, and Kate Winslet. It is made of exotic skins, fine jewels, and precious metals. Custom iteration costs from $100,000 to $400,000.
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