Amazing Facts about Fruits You May Have Yet To Know

List of Amazing Facts about Fruits That Many People Don’t Know

AMAZING FACTS ABOUT FRUITS – You can check here some strange fantastic facts about some fruits that you may encounter everyday.

Are you one of the people who love eating fruits? While fruits are popular foods, there are many of them with facts that are quite unknown to many people. Here are some of the unexpected truths behinds these fruits:

It is known to many people that avocado is a fruit. It is a favorite of many people and it is one of the fruits that can be paired with bread as a breakfast food and can also be mixed with milk for dessert. However, what many people don’t know is that it is actually a berry. It is an oversized, single-seeded berry.


When thinking about fruits, the first options that will surely come to your mind are bananas, oranges, apples, and grapes. One of the amazing facts about fruits is that green beans which many people think as vegetables is actually a fruit. It is one of the fruits usually mistaken as vegetables. Fruits have seeds and green beans visibly have.

Green Beans

While they are widely-known as vegetables, eggplants are fruits and they have tiny, edible seeds which is a characteristic of fruits. Together with potatoes and tomatoes, they belong to the nighshade family.


You may not notice or think about whether olive is a fruit or a vegetable. This usual ingredient of pizza is actually a fruit. They came from the ovary of a flower and their pits bear seeds. They are savory additions to different pizza flavors.


Also one of the amazing facts about fruits is that bananas are berries but strawberries are not. Banana is a berry with its characteristic of being a fleshy fruit formed from the ovary of a single flower. With this characteristics, strawberries are not berries as its seeds are on the outside.

Bananas and Strawberries

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