Green Flags Examples – What To Look For In A Partner?

Here are some relationship green flags examples you probably don’t know yet.

GREEN FLAGS EXAMPLES – These term is often used in discussions about healthy relationships and here are some telling signs in a person.

Some of us are in search of a love that will last but it would take so much from two people in order to achieve this. Dating is complex but more so being in a relationship. One moment you’re in a high, the next time you know it, you’re crying your heart out. There’s no black and white in living, it’s always the yin and the yang and this balance is up to these two people.

While people spend time in worrying about the glaring red flags, why not put your perspective on the other side and see if that person you’re with is for the long haul.

I am talking about the green flags in a person and this term is used to refer to the set of indicators that tell a healthy emotional habits and genuine compatibility. These indicators should not just make you happy but also make you feel inspired and a hint of hope that what is going on could be a real thing.

The Green Flags

  1. The person is clear about his feelings. There are no mixed signals or anything that will put you in a confusion. If the person is really into you, the hints are in neon lights – bright and clear.
  2. There is validation from the person when it comes to your feelings. You are heard and your feelings are affirmed.
  3. Even when in a relationship, boundary exists and the person respects this.
  4. In a world where people find time to be with you, be with someone who makes time for you. There’s a vast difference between these two.
  5. It’s the little details that count and when it comes to the little details about you, he pays attention. This is the way to tell someone that you see him and you care.
  6. Values serve as compass when it comes behavior and when two people share the same values, this ensures that you’re both in the same direction and that you’re being with a travel buddy in this important life journey.
  7. The person includes you in his future plans. If someone doesn’t see you in his future, what’s the point of everything you do in that relationship?
  8. The person is consistent which also shows that you can always count on this person.

As you try to search these green flags in a person, make sure that you also have them.

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